Creating a graph of images in Diagram Codes Studio
With the recent update (version 1.0.26) it's possible to include local images
in your diagrams.
In this example we create a graph. Each graph node has a bit of markdown to
display an image.
The images are located in the same folder as the .diagram file.
cake->banana["made of"]
apple->cake["add some to"]
MD"![cake](cake_NE.png =50x50)" as cake
MD"![banana](banana_SE.png =50x50)" as banana
MD"![soup](bowlSoup_SW.png =50x50)" as soup
MD"![bugger](burgerCheese_NE.png =50x50)" as burger
MD"![cereal](bowlCereal_NE.png =50x50)" as bowl
MD"![apple](apple_SE.png =50x50)" as apple